Family Constellation is a powerful method to help you recognise difficult entanglements, both in your family of origin as well as in your present family or relationship. My first encounter with Family Constellation was last year during a short one hour free online workshop with Dr. Minsu Blanca, PT, MSPT, DPT, CPT, MBA, CranioSacral Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Medicine Practitioner. She explained that family trauma can be passed down from generations. This was easy for me to understand as the same applies to Nutrition. You are the result of your Grandmother's (your mother's ovaries were formed while she was in the womb of your grandmother) and your mother's Nutrition. After taking us through her presentation she invited us to participate in some short exercises. She said "visualise your mother at a distance and journal anything that comes up for you." So far, nothing unusual. Then she said "visualise your mother so close to you that your skin is almost touching and journal anything that comes up for you." Wow, what I experienced next was completely unexpected. At a distance I felt love for my mother but when I visualised her intimately close to me I felt a strong resistance and rejection. As if this was not shocking and confronting enough, the next exercise required that you write down the things you judge in your mother and father. So far, nothing unusual. Then she said "These are the very things YOU struggle with." Ouch! Very confronting! This short 1 hour introduction to Family Constellation, changed the course of my life. At the time I was living in a Meditation Commune in Germany and when I shared the experience with the spiritual guide, he said "Yes, thats spot on and if I were you, I would enroll in Humaniversity's Tourist Program immediately! In his words, "You have perfected the art of keeping it together. You are in need of a lot of emotional release!" Ouch! Totally and utterly confronted with my own blind spots! I never felt so bare and naked in my entire life. Pan, the commune's spiritual guide doesn't make bold statements like these often so when he made the recommendation I took it immediately. This was Sunday, by Tuesday I had a phone interview with one of the therapists in Humaniversity and by Thursday I was checking into the center in the Netherlands. This meant I would be spending my 40th Birthday in this institution among strangers and therapists all while engaging in some extreme emotional release exercises, hmmmmm not exactly what I had in mind for my 40th. In hindsight it was the best gift the universe could have conspired to give me. Perhaps, with time, I'll open up and share more on the experience. But for now, back to Family Constellation. Fast forward nine months from the initial online introduction and I finally had the opportunity to participate in an actual Family Constellation session. Its a very individual experience and I presume that there are variations but the gist goes something like this. You select the participants who will "play" you, your family, your fear etc. and you become the observer. These actors in your film do not have a script. Their only instructions is to follow whatever emotion, movement, words come to them in that moment. Clearly there exists an energy field that guides the representatives’ movements and allows them to have access to all essential information. This is where the magic happens. The participants often strangers who know nothing about you start to "act out" the roles you have selected them for to perfection guided by an invisible force "energy field." Stop to reflect for a moment. Why is it that you find yourself in similar situations time and time again? Is it coincidence that you keep attracting the same scenarios into your life with characters that act the same way? OR could it be YOU? What is it about your energy field that manifests these scenarios or enlists these behaviours from others over and over again? Confronting I know. To truly know yourself IS confronting but the unravelling inner path of self discovery is worth it. The insight gained through the session can be life changing. The immediate effects are a sense of lightness as if an an visible burden has been lifted and with that greater ease and peace in your own skin.
Dr. Minsu Blanca is hosting a 7 Day Wellness Retreat in Thailand, which will include Family Constellation (See more details below). The retreat is taking place this June 24th - July 1st accommodating a small group of participants. The value of the retreat is $5,449 and you can book it directly here. For most mortals like me, this is a daunting sum of money so Dr. Blanca is raffling one of the precious spots for someone who might be financially challenged but feels the calling to participate in something like this, you can try your luck or "destiny' by entering the raffle with a $26 Ticket Entry here.
Here is what you can look forward to on this
7 Day Thailand Wellness Retreat
6 wonderful mornings & 7 lovely afternoons of deep transformational work + lots of juicy retreat conversational insights throughout the week.
Airport pick up and hotel transfer in Bangkok
Accommodations, 2 delightful nights in Bangkok based on double occupancy
Two delicious breakfasts and one scrumptious lunch in Bangkok
9 amazing hours of private tour in Bangkok
Round trip flight to Koh Samui
Airport pickup and a welcome drink at Koh Samui
Koh Samui five night accommodation based on double occupancy
3 meals per day a la carte or set detox menu including beverages (non-alcoholic), beginning with dinner on day of arrival) at Koh Samui
1 x 75 mins luxurious Lotus Scrub and Wrap
2 x 30 mins relaxing Far Infrared Sauna
1 x 60 mins Royal Ayurvedic Massage or 1 x 75 mins Reiki
1 x 90 mins Vital Essence Oil Massage or 1 x 90 mins Traditional Thai Massage
Use of swimming and plunge pools, steam caverns, fitness and yoga facilities
Daily holistic fitness activities (Yoga, Pilates, Stretching, Meditation, Qi Gong, etc.)
3 hours of a captivating private guided tour of Koh Samui.
If you want to stay tuned to my latest adventures, experiments and daily inspirations follow me on instagram.